All Posts tagged post surgery

Laser Therapy & Post Surgical Treatment

Laser Therapy & Post Surgical Treatment

Surgery can be a scary and intimidating thing. Some times it’s a necessity to help your body repair an injury or with a life threatening condition. Laser therapy is one modality that can help with post surgical recuperation. It will heal you twice as fast. What does that mean for you as a patient? It means that you will be out of pain quicker. You will have a reduction in inflammation and bruising. This allows your body to obtain range of motion more quickly in instances of shoulder, elbow, hip, knee or ankle surgeries. For other types of surgeries it reduces inflammation and pain healing the surgical area more efficiently. It will prevent scar tissue build up inside and reduce scaring on the surface (see before and after pictures on the website).

How does laser therapy achieve this?

K-Laser is leading the way in pain management, tissue repair, safe treatments, and fast treatment times.

  • Dual-Wavelength Beam that penetrates Deep into the Tissue
  • Continuous & Modulating Frequencies to Promote Pain Control and Healing
  • SuperPulse Mode for Deeper Therapeutic Penetration
  • High Power Delivering Larger Doses, Resulting in Shorter Treatment Times
  • Presets that Result in More Consistent and Safe Treatment Outcome

If you are ready to be pain free, drug free and to start enjoying life after surgery faster, consider laser therapy as part of your post surgical healing rehabilitation treatment. Call us for an appointment today. You will be glad you did.

Laser Therapy- Healing Your Pain… Changing Your Life…
